Wednesday - January 22, 2025

Summertime Safety

June 15th, 2021

Summer is here and that means it’s time to update or create a summertime safety list. Summer is a time of sun and fun, but it can also be deadly if you don’t follow some summer time safety precautions. Prevention is key and in order to prevent disasters from happening you need to be prepared. The heat is probably the biggest threat during the summer months. Excessive heat can kill so be sure to follow these safety tips regarding the heat. Hydrate – Make sure you’re hydrated during the summer. Make sure your pets are hydrated too. Drink plenty of water and stay away from... Read More

Events in Jacksonville this June and July

June 15th, 2018

Summer is in full swing so get out and enjoy all that this great community has to offer. Here are some great family friendly activities, festivals and events in Jacksonville this June and July. Events in Jacksonville this June and July Riverside Arts Market  When: Saturdays Where: 715 Riverside Arts Market Jacksonville, FL At the Riverside Arts Market, enjoy the harvest of the agricultural arts by supporting Florida Farmers. Pick up the freshest local produce of the week, with some of it coming from Jacksonville! To remain sustainable, farmer’s depend on your weekly purchases, so come for the... Read More

Summertime Safety

June 30th, 2017

Now that summer is here, it’s important to follow some basic summertime safety tips to ensure everyone stays safe and has a great time. Whether in the water, at the beach, watching fireworks or just running errands on a hot day, there are many things you can do to ensure you, your kids and the elderly stay safe this summer. Summertime Safety Use Sunscreen – Skin cancers are on the rise, if you’re going to spend any time in the sun be sure to slather on the sunscreen. It only takes about 15 minutes to get a burn so wear it every time you spend time outdoors. Make sure the kids... Read More