Sunday - February 16, 2025

How To Protect Yourself from a Home Invasion

April 19th, 2017

Nothing is worse than having your home broken into. According to an FBI crime report the odds of your home being burglarized are one in 36. According to that study the average loss is $2200 per break-in. No one wants to be part of that statistic, and the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to prevent a home invasion or home burglary. How to Protect Yourself from a Home Invasion Own a Gun – If you want to protect yourself one of the best ways is to become a licensed gun owner. Of course it will only help you if you are trained to use the weapon so be sure to take the necessary... Read More

Which is Better a Dog or Security System?

February 21st, 2017

Whether you live in a house, a townhouse, an apartment or condo, you want to keep your home and belongings safe. In this digital age, when security systems are being offered from the phone company, cable company and companies that specialize in home monitoring, you might find yourself overwhelmed about the best choice for your situation. If you’re like many homeowners or apartment dwellers, you might just decide it’s easier to get a dog for protection. There are a lot of reasons to get a dog, some of which have to do with protection. The question is, which will protect your home and... Read More