Tuesday - March 11, 2025

Covid-19 Phase 2 in Jacksonville

May 13th, 2020

It’s been two months since Jacksonville entered a state of emergency due to Covid-19. Currently in Stage 1 of reopening, it looks like we may soon begin phase 2. What does Phase 2 look like with regard to reopening Jacksonville? It means more businesses will be allowed to open, though at reduced capacity. You can say goodbye to salad bars and buffet for now, and bulk items in the grocery store will still be off limits, but bars, nightclubs and restaurants can begin to provide dine-in service again. These businesses must operate at 50% capacity and limit group sizes to 10 or less. Social Distancing... Read More

Abiding the Safer At Home Order

April 14th, 2020

In order for everyone to stay Safer at Home, as declared by Mayor Lenny Curry, we should all be remaining in our homes unless we need to leave them for essentials. Essentials include getting groceries, going to the bank, getting gas, picking up prescriptions. Of course we can also go outside for exercise and fresh air as long as we practice self-distancing. Most commercial and retail businesses have been closed during the Safer at Home order, except for those deemed essential. Essential Businesses include: Health care workers Law enforcement Grocery stores Pharmacies Restaurants – as long... Read More

Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 16th, 2020

With the recent Coronavirus outbreak, we’re all consumed with keeping our homes, workplaces, schools and other gathering areas safe. While we specialize in safety and security for home and office, we’re also concerned with keeping those spaces safe from any virus. We should all practice these safety tips to ensure our home, office, school, place of worship and any other meeting place remains a safe space in this chaotic time. Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak Cover your Cough If you have to cough or sneeze use a tissue that can be immediately thrown away, or use a handkerchief.... Read More