Wednesday - January 22, 2025

Self Defense Classes in Jacksonville Florida

May 17th, 2017

At EBS Security we take security very seriously. We offer armed and unarmed security officers for your events, and we offer body guard services. Which is great help for people who need those kinds of services. But what about self defense? We don’t teach it, but we do encourage everyone to do all they can to be their own defenders. Taking a self defense course or two is a great way to build confidence, it’s provides a wonderful workout, and you acquire the peace of mind in knowing you can fend for yourself if it every becomes necessary. The following is a list of self defense classes... Read More

How to Protect Yourself from Crime

April 30th, 2017

Last time we talked about protecting your home from a home invasion, this week we’re going to give you some tips for protecting yourself when you’re away from home. In Jacksonville, crimes such as robberies, auto theft, arson and burglaries are in a slight downward trend, murders and rapes are on the increase. It’s important to know how to protect yourself from these sorts of crimes. How to Protect Yourself from Crime Lock it up – When leaving home lock your home and garage so that you aren’t surprised when you return. Lock your car – Be sure to lock your car... Read More

How To Protect Yourself from a Home Invasion

April 19th, 2017

Nothing is worse than having your home broken into. According to an FBI crime report the odds of your home being burglarized are one in 36. According to that study the average loss is $2200 per break-in. No one wants to be part of that statistic, and the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to prevent a home invasion or home burglary. How to Protect Yourself from a Home Invasion Own a Gun – If you want to protect yourself one of the best ways is to become a licensed gun owner. Of course it will only help you if you are trained to use the weapon so be sure to take the necessary... Read More

Spring Security Tips

February 28th, 2017

Spring is just around the corner and there are many things you can do to spruce up your property for better security. Whether it’s installing motion detecting lights or simply keeping your yard neat and trimmed, there’s always a way to make your home and property more secure.  These DIY tips can be completed in a weekend or less and are generally pretty cost effective. Spring Security Tips Lawn and Garden – Keep your lawn mowed and your gardens weeded. A well tended garden and lawn says to potential robbers that there is someone home. If you go on vacation be sure to have someone... Read More

Which is Better a Dog or Security System?

February 21st, 2017

Whether you live in a house, a townhouse, an apartment or condo, you want to keep your home and belongings safe. In this digital age, when security systems are being offered from the phone company, cable company and companies that specialize in home monitoring, you might find yourself overwhelmed about the best choice for your situation. If you’re like many homeowners or apartment dwellers, you might just decide it’s easier to get a dog for protection. There are a lot of reasons to get a dog, some of which have to do with protection. The question is, which will protect your home and... Read More

Is a Smart Home a Secure Home?

January 12th, 2017

These days just about everything is connected to the internet. But, are smart homes secure homes? That’s a really good question. This holiday season the big items that were on everyone’s list were the smart speakers by Google and Amazon. Simply plug it in and connect to your wifi and now you have access to your books, music, the internet, movies and anything else you associate with those accounts. Add smart devices like a Nest thermostat, outlets, lights, and now home security systems like Vivint. Using Amazon Echo, homeowners can control the following smart home experiences using... Read More

Home Security Systems

December 9th, 2015

The security of your loved ones at home is anyone’s first priority. Keeping your loved ones safe involves installing a secure environment at home, a security system that monitors the house and nearby areas for suspicious activity that could be a potential threat to the people in the house and their belongings. There are a variety of security systems for you to choose from and can range from something as complex as a full automated security system with cameras and motion detectors, or for some people can be as simple as getting a dog. If you’d like to go the more advanced route -as sometimes... Read More

Retail Security a Challenge on Black Friday

November 4th, 2015

Black Friday shoppers can be an unruly mass. So, if you’re planning on kicking off the holiday shopping season with doorbuster deals, be sure you’re focusing on security as much as your focusing on the deals you’re going to be offering. Take a look at these Black Friday Horror Stories posted on The horror stories include; A shooting at the Toys-R-Us Customers ripping into merchandise A 61 man fell ill while people continued shopping around his fallen body Fistfights at Sears A man forgetting a kid Shoplifting Insane road rage The use of pepper spray to keep... Read More

It Only Takes 12 Minutes to Rob Your House – Home Security Tips

June 24th, 2015

It takes a burglar just 8-12 minutes to rob your house. This infographic from shows the statistics and gives helpful tips to inform home owners how to protect their home. Summarizing the infographic. Areas of the home that burglars break into most often; The front door (34%) First floor window (23%) Back door (22%) Garage (9%) Storage area (6%) Basement (4%) Second floor window (2%) Most residential burglaries occur from 10:00am – 3:00pm when people are at work or school. July and August have the most burglaries, and February has the least. Tools that are often used to break... Read More

Benefits of Having a Security Guard at a Business

June 10th, 2015

If you’re a small business owner, you know that you have to deal with theft and other crimes that could occur on the business premises. Security cameras are a great start to preventing theft, but many businesses such as convenience stores, banks, and retail stores are a larger target for criminals and petty thieves. The best way to prevent crime is to hire security guards. Guards not only help to prevent crime and maintain security, but they can also assist customers and employees should anything go wrong. Below are some of the benefits of hiring a professional security guard. Having a... Read More