Tuesday - March 11, 2025

Events in Jacksonville this November

November 1st, 2018

The end of the year is almost here. Amazing how fast 2018 went by. Before you know it the holidays will be in full swing. Before things get too busy, take some time and enjoy all the many events in Jacksonville this November. Before too long we’ll all be busy getting ready for family and friends visiting for the holidays. These events in Jacksonville this November are a great way to unwind and enjoy the season before the holiday season. Puttin’ on the Ritz 2018 When: November 2nd, 2018 Where: Ritz Theatre 829 N Davis Street Jacksonville, FL This isn’t just a talent show…it’s Puttin’... Read More

Events in Jacksonville this Fall

September 14th, 2018
EBS Security is headquartered in Jacksonville FL

Fall has arrived, hopefully the hurricane has left you unscathed. As specialists in security – whether for your business or an event, we know how important community is. Being part of the community, taking part in the actives, strengthens the community. Get out and take part in all that Jacksonville has to offer this month. Fall in Jacksonville is a wonderful time to get out and enjoy all kinds of family friendly festivals. From art walks to QuiltFest, and of course, Octoberfest, there’s something for everyone to enjoy this fall in Jacksonville. Events in Jacksonville this Fall Jax... Read More

Home Security Tips

August 15th, 2018

In many cities across the country, not just in Jacksonville, there has been an uptick in home break-ins and property theft. Scroll through any Facebook neighborhood group and you’ll see residents talking daily about a theft that happened to them. As security professionals, we see these sorts of things all the time. Car theft is on the rise as is bike theft. Garage break-ins always spike during the summer as do home break-ins. Warm weather always sees an increase in home break-in and property stolen from vehicles.  Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent being a victim of... Read More

National Night Out is August 7th!

June 30th, 2018

At EBS Security, we know how important community is in Jacksonville, Fl. We also know that a safe and strong community doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning. If you want to help strengthen your community and make it safer for everyone, then plan a block part for National Night Out. If you’d like to learn more and register for National Night Out, click here to visit the official website. About National Night Out National Night Out is an annual event held every year on the first Tuesday in August. This year it’s on August 7th. Neighborhoods hold block parties to encourage... Read More

Start Planning your Block Party Now

May 15th, 2018

National Night Out isn’t until August 7th, but that evening is going to sneak up on you and you won’t be prepared. Start planning your block party now and you’ll have a fantastic National Night Out. National Night Out is an annual event to encourage community involvement. When you get to know your neighbors you strenthen your community and make it  a safer place to live and raise your family. National Night Out also encourages and enhances the relationship between residents and law enforcement. You can start planning your block party now by doing several things. Pick a date –... Read More

Strengthening Your Community

April 30th, 2018

As security providers in the Jacksonville, FL area, we know how important it is to have a thriving community. Strong and close knit communities have less crime and are safer to raise families in. Strenthening your community is a fantastic way to make your neighborhood safer, and help residents feel connected. We all know it takes a village to raise happy and healthy kids, so try some of these ways to strenthen your community and you’ll help create a thriving village for kids and adults of all ages. Strengthening Your Community Community Garden Community or co op gardens are popping up all... Read More

Family Friendly Events in Jacksonville this April

April 16th, 2018

At EBS Security, we believe that community is everything. If you have a strong and vibrant community, you’ll have a safer place to live. Community events like the ones listed below, are a great way to get out into the community and become part of it. In today’s busy world, it’s easy to become isolated, but it’s important to take part in your neighborhood community. A safe community is one where neighbors look out for one another and to do that you have to get to know your neighbors. These family friendly events in Jacksonville this April are a great way to get out and meet... Read More

Spring Safety Tips for the Home

March 15th, 2018

Last week Daylight Saving Time began around the country. Hopefully by now you’ve moved all of your clocks ahead by one hour – including the car clock. In addition to changing the clocks around your home, many homeowners take this opportunity to check on their home safety features – smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, radon and their security systems. Smoke Detectors Used to be we all automatically changed the batteries in our smoke detectors but that’s not the case anymore. Now, most of us wait until the units start chirping – the sign that the battery is low and time... Read More

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

December 30th, 2017

From all of us at EBS Security, we want to wish you a Safe and Happy New Year! It has been our pleasure and privilege serving you this past year and we look forward to serving you in 2018 as well. It is also our hope that you have a safe New Year’s celebration. Whether you’re out with friends enjoying all that Jacksonville has to offer or you’re at home celebrating, be safe. New Year’s Eve is one of the most dangerous holidays because many people overindulge. Don’t be one of those people. Follow these safety tips for a safe and happy New Year’s eve celebration. Have... Read More

Holiday Security for your Small Business

December 15th, 2017

Last month we talked about home security during the holidays, and I got to thinking that many small businesses might need some helpful tips to keeping their brick and mortar business safe during the holidays. Of course some of the tips for home safety can be used for small businesses, but there are a few extra tips to keep in mind. Holiday Security for your Small Business Lights – Keeping your business well lit, inside and out, is a great way to prevent after hours break-ins. If you have a business located on a busy street with large display windows make sure they are well lit during your... Read More