Wednesday - January 22, 2025

Strengthening Your Community

April 30th, 2018

As security providers in the Jacksonville, FL area, we know how important it is to have a thriving community. Strong and close knit communities have less crime and are safer to raise families in. Strenthening your community is a fantastic way to make your neighborhood safer, and help residents feel connected. We all know it takes a village to raise happy and healthy kids, so try some of these ways to strenthen your community and you’ll help create a thriving village for kids and adults of all ages. Strengthening Your Community Community Garden Community or co op gardens are popping up all... Read More

Spring Safety Tips for the Home

March 15th, 2018

Last week Daylight Saving Time began around the country. Hopefully by now you’ve moved all of your clocks ahead by one hour – including the car clock. In addition to changing the clocks around your home, many homeowners take this opportunity to check on their home safety features – smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, radon and their security systems. Smoke Detectors Used to be we all automatically changed the batteries in our smoke detectors but that’s not the case anymore. Now, most of us wait until the units start chirping – the sign that the battery is low and time... Read More

How to Talk to your Kids about the Recent School Shooting in Florida

February 16th, 2018

It’s becoming an all too common thing – the school shooting in Florida this week is a stark reminder that we must talk to our kids about these horrible things. It’s never easy to talk to kids about difficult topics, but when it involves their safety it’s imperitive that we do. Of course the schools will talk to the kids about the shootings and what to do in the event of a shooting at their school. Most schools have drills for this very purpose. And while it is scary for children to go through these practices, it could help save their life in the event of a real incident. But... Read More

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

December 30th, 2017

From all of us at EBS Security, we want to wish you a Safe and Happy New Year! It has been our pleasure and privilege serving you this past year and we look forward to serving you in 2018 as well. It is also our hope that you have a safe New Year’s celebration. Whether you’re out with friends enjoying all that Jacksonville has to offer or you’re at home celebrating, be safe. New Year’s Eve is one of the most dangerous holidays because many people overindulge. Don’t be one of those people. Follow these safety tips for a safe and happy New Year’s eve celebration. Have... Read More

Holiday Security for your Small Business

December 15th, 2017

Last month we talked about home security during the holidays, and I got to thinking that many small businesses might need some helpful tips to keeping their brick and mortar business safe during the holidays. Of course some of the tips for home safety can be used for small businesses, but there are a few extra tips to keep in mind. Holiday Security for your Small Business Lights – Keeping your business well lit, inside and out, is a great way to prevent after hours break-ins. If you have a business located on a busy street with large display windows make sure they are well lit during your... Read More

Keeping Your Home and Vehicle Secure During the Holidays

November 17th, 2017

The holidays are a wonderful time spent with friends and family. The holidays are also a time when your home and car are more likely to be burglarized. Gifts are everywhere and people are out shopping and visiting friends across town or across the country – a perfect invitation for those who would steal your belongings. Don’t become a victim of these senseless crimes. You can protect your home and your car with a few common-sense tips this season. Keeping Your Home and Vehicle Secure During the Holidays Lights – Keep your home well lit when you are away. If you are gone for the evening keep... Read More

Halloween Safety Tips

October 25th, 2017

Halloween is one of the best events of the year for children but it can be dangerous if children aren’t cautious. Teach your kids these Halloween safety tips before they head out to trick or treat this year. Halloween Safety Tips Go in Groups – Don’t let your older child go trick or treating by himself. Make sure they go in groups and that they keep track of each other. For younger children an adult or two should be leading the group. Plan a Route – Map out the area where your kids will be trick or treating and make sure to stay on it. Little kids should stay close to home... Read More

What to do Before you Go on Vacation

July 30th, 2017

Summer is in full swing and odds are you’ll be going on vacation soon. Follow these tips on what to do before you go on vacation to have a stress free vacation and a stress free return. Shut off Water Main – Before you leave for your week at the beach or that camping trip, turn off the water main in your home. Nothing ruins a vacation faster than having a neighbor call to tell you you’ve sprung a leak, or worse to come home to a home filled with water. Don’t risk it, turn off the water before you leave on vacation. Stop Mail and Newspapers – Don’t let burglars... Read More

Beware of the Blue Whale Challenge

July 20th, 2017

You may have heard of the Blue Whale Challenge, a “game” that kids are playing online that entices them to do increasingly dangerous tasks with the ultimate goal of causing a suicide. It’s a horrific game that started out in Russia and has made it’s way to the US recently. If you’re a parent of a young child, tween or teen you’ll want to learn all you can about this game so you can recognize it before it has progressed to dangerous levels. What is the Blue Whale Challenge? The Blue Whale Challenge was created by Phillip Budeikin who is a 21 year old Russian.... Read More

Summertime Safety

June 30th, 2017

Now that summer is here, it’s important to follow some basic summertime safety tips to ensure everyone stays safe and has a great time. Whether in the water, at the beach, watching fireworks or just running errands on a hot day, there are many things you can do to ensure you, your kids and the elderly stay safe this summer. Summertime Safety Use Sunscreen – Skin cancers are on the rise, if you’re going to spend any time in the sun be sure to slather on the sunscreen. It only takes about 15 minutes to get a burn so wear it every time you spend time outdoors. Make sure the kids... Read More